Mr. Ronnie Poon Shi-kai
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies (Part-time)
External Curriculum Assessment Consultant
- B.A., Rice University, U.S.A., (1978)
- Ph.D. Studies, Rice University, U.S.A., (1978-1979)
- Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A., (1985)
- Ph.D. Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A., (1992-2006)
- Minister-in-charge, West Point Ling Liang Church, Hong Kong, (1986-1989)
- Consulting Minister, Kowloon City Baptist Church Kai Fuk Chapel, Hong Kong, (2000-2003)
- Part-time Minister, E.F.C.C. Yan Fook Church, Hong Kong, (2005-2014)
- Chairperson, Commission on Accreditation and Educational Development, Asia Theological Association, (2010-present)
- Fellow, ICETE Academy (2020-present)
- Certified ICETE Consultant (2024-present)
- Alliance Bible Seminary, (1985-present)
Mr. Poon has been teaching at ABS since 1985. Besides teaching Greek and exegesis, his research interests include the Gospel of Mark, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology and so on. Mr. Poon is also involved in the work of Asia Theological Association for years,
and spares no effort in cultivating Asian theological education.
- 2023年榮獲 DTS 2023 Alumni Distinguished Service Award 。
- 〈The Use of Psalm 4:4 in Ephesians 4:26〉《建道神學院110周年院慶學術研討會論文集》2010;
- "The Blurring Boundaries of the Seminary Campus: The Challenge for Theological Education in the Internet Age."《事奉生命的建造:建道神學院110周年院慶神學教育諮詢會議論文集》2009;
- 〈從雅各書看由失到得〉《從聖經看得與失》2006;
- 〈委身的事奉〉《建道通訊》2004;
- 〈神的差遣(太28:16-20)〉《建道通訊》2001;
- 〈保羅眼中的牧者對現代的啟示〉《教牧期刊》2000;
- 〈務要傳講聖經(提後)〉《教牧期刊》1999;
- 〈要儆醒禱告〉《建道通訊》1999;
- "The Beginning of the Gospel: the Introductory Statement of Mark Gospel (1:1-3)."《建道學刊》1999;
- 〈聖經/神學研究之電腦輔助工具簡介〉《建道學刊》1998;
- 〈中文版logos 1.9 聖經研讀軟體評介〉《建道學刊》1997;
- 〈網上聖經及神學論壇簡介〉《建道學刊》1997;
- "Bibliographic Database Management (Software)."《建道學刊》1996;
- 〈「知」與「明」﹕馬可八章14-21節讀後感〉《建道通訊》1996;
- "The Background to the Dove Imagery in the Story of Jesus’ Baptism."《建道學刊》1995;
- 〈第八世紀以色列先知〉《生命》1991;
- 〈猶大亡國期前後之先知〉《生命》1991;
- 〈如何發掘福音書主題〉《生命》1990;
- 〈明白觀點〉《生命》1990;
- 〈約翰福音〉《生命》1990;
- 〈先知信息的特色和解釋方法〉《生命》1990;
- 〈路加福音〉《生命》1990;
- 〈馬可福音〉《生命》1990;
- 〈馬太福音〉《生命》1990;
- 〈從舊約看敬拜〉《播種人》1987;
- 〈工作感言〉《生命》1986;