Program Objective
This program aims at helping pastors with Master of Divinity or equivalent to seek transition from traditional church models, and to try to look for new solutions and revitalize the church according to the specific situation of individual churches.
Program Design
- This program takes the form of a cohort. Teaching methods include intensive lectures and individual interviews. Combining knowledge, experience, and individual supervision to help students in revitalizing the church more efficiently.
- This program’s target students are senior pastors, department leaders in mega-churches, and newly appointed church leaders.
- Major courses feature presentations and sharing from varies professionals and individuals of their respective areas, providing resource management theories in church operation, experiences in creative ministries, and knowledge of new technology and media, hoping to inspire students to rethink church operations.
- Elective courses are courses outside one's major. Students may choose courses related to special topics in pastoral ministry offered by the Seminary, or courses from another major. Otherwise, under the supervision of an instructor, a student may select to conduct an independent study of certain issues (Independent Guided Pastoral Study).
- The graduation dissertation is the end product of this program. Research and integration are its objectives. Its theme must be directly related to the major of the student, and be creative in concept and have substantial contribution in practice. The format of the dissertation can be: (1) an academic dissertation which can be published as a book upon completion; (2) a project to develop a certain ministry related to ministries which the student has been involved in. Before submitting the dissertation proposal, students must attend classes of methodology in dissertation research.
- Students are required to complete the program within 7 years. To graduate, the student must pass the dissertation oral defense and attain a CGPA not lower than 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale.
Credit Requirements
Major 6 courses 36 credits
Electives 2 courses 12 credits
Dissertation 12 credits
Total 60 credits
Major Courses (36 credits)
DM1141 Church Restructuring and Revitalization
DM1143 Launching Creative Ministries in the Church
DM1144 Information Technology, Media, and the Church
DM1145 Changes and Conflicts
DM1142 Pastoral Membership Program
DM1146 Overseas Churches Field Study
Elective Courses (12 credits)
Other Doctor of Ministry courses or individual guided study.
Dissertation (12 credits)
DM1091A D. Min. Research (including Methodology in Research classes)
DM1092A Dissertation Writing and Oral Defense
Admission Requirements
- Applicants must hold a Master of Divinity degree or equivalent with a CGPA of 3.3 or above on a 4.0 grade scale.
- Must have three years full-time working experience in church, missions or Christian organizations after obtaining the Master of Divinity degree or equivalent. Having five years of full-time working experience after getting the Bachelor of Theology degree may also apply if the applicant holds the B.Th. degree before obtaining the Master of Divinity degree.
- Be able to comprehend theological books written in English. ABS may request proof of the TOEFL results from applicants if deemed necessary.
For application and enquiry,
tel: (852) 3657 4731