Doctor of Ministry (Major in Marriage and Family Counseling/Ministry)

Program Objective

This program aims at providing pastors with opportunities further their knowledge in marriage and family counseling and ministry, helping them strengthen their professional training and faith practice in these areas, resulting in more effective pastoral care and a continuous renewal of spirituality.


Program Design

  1. This program is designed with three themes in mind: Knowledge, Experience, and Personal Growth.
  2. The program requirement has been divided into three parts: core course, counseling practicum/case studies and a doctoral dissertation.
  3. Students may complete the program in as soon as four years.
  4. Core courses revolve around three areas of professions: counseling, marriage and family, and religious beliefs.
  5. Students are required to take all core courses through live video meetings.
  6. The teaching of the program takes the form of cross-profession cooperation.  Core courses will be delivered by teachers of different professions, including professors of theology and professional counselors, with faculty from the Counseling Department guiding in integration.
  7. Counseling practicum and case studies are tailor-made learning experiences for students, providing a deeper discussion on specific topics.


Credit Requirements

Core                     5 courses              30 credits

Major                   2 courses              12 credits

Dissertation                                      18 credits

Total                                                60 credits


Core Courses (30 credits)

DM1161 Spirituality and Family Relationship

DM1160 Research Methodology

DM1162 Religion and Marriage Counseling

DM1163 Family Crises and Spiritual Resources

DM1164 Counseling and the Christian Thought


Major Courses (12 credits)

Marriage and Family Counseling Major

Complete 150 hours of clinical case counseling and at least 40 hours of clinical supervision within a year.

DM1169-1 Counseling Practicum I

DM1169-2 Counseling Practicum II


Marriage and Family Ministry Major

Complete a minimum of 80 hours of faith integration case study.

DM1168-1 Case Study Seminar I

DM1168-2 Case Study Seminar II


Dissertation (18 credits)

DM1191A Proposal

DM1192A Applied Research Project


Admission Requirements

  1. Applicants must hold a Master of Divinity degree or equivalent with a CGPA of 3.3 or above on a 4.0 grade scale.
  2. Must have three years full-time working experience in church, missions or Christian organizations after obtaining the Master of Divinity degree or equivalent.  Having five years of full-time working experience after getting the Bachelor of Theology may also apply if the applicant holds the B.Th. degree before obtaining the Master of Divinity degree.
  3. Be able to comprehend theological books written in English.  ABS may request proof of TOEFL results from applicants if deemed necessary.
  4. Must have prior training in professional counseling (such as completing a counseling or family education related course).
  5. Applicant for Marriage and Family Counseling major must hold a Master of Psychology/Counseling degree or equivalent, and have completed no less than 150 hours of clinical counseling and 30 hours of clinical supervision.



For application and enquiry,



tel: (852) 3657 4731

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