Program Objective
According to the guidelines of the Asia Theological Association, ABS has designed this accelerated program for students with approved Bachelor of Theology degree (4-year) to upgrade to a Master of Divinity degree without repeating many Bachelor level courses. This program is also named Master of Divinity (Pastoral Upgrading) since September 2007.
Program Design
- Candidates holding ABS approved Bachelor of Theology degree (4-year) may apply for this program.
- Students must complete 80 credits, including a thesis (8 credits).
- Full-time students should take at least 2 years to complete this program; part-time students must complete it in 5 years’ time.
Credit Requirements
Core 10 courses 30 credits
Electives 14 courses 42 credits
Thesis 8 credits
Total 80 credits
Core Courses (30 credits)
Based on ABS full-time M. Div. curriculum requirements, core courses is determined based on the subjects students have taken before admission.
Elective Courses (42 credits)
Students are free to take any general master-level courses, but some may have prerequisites that students must pay attention to.
Thesis (8 credits)
With the guidance of the mentor, complete a thesis (minimum word limit: 20,000 in Chinese).
Admission Requirements
- Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from an approved theological seminary.
- A recommendation from the affiliated church is needed.
For application and enquiry,
tel: (852) 3657 4731
**This program is accredited by the Asia Theological Association(ATA). Period of Accreditation: 2001-2028.