

稿 例

  1. 本刊內容以聖經研究為主,探討神學、教會歷史、文化等方面學術課題。
  2. 讀者對象為聖經及神學研究者,神學生,教牧人員,對聖經、神學及文化研究有興趣的信徒。
  3. 本刊歡迎各界人士投稿,惟內容必須是具原創性的學術研究。字數方面,研究論文含有注釋每篇中文以一萬至兩萬字、英文以五千至一萬字為原則,並請附上中英文撮要;書評以三千至五千字為原則。此外,本刊亦嘗設「短篇研究」欄,接受五千字或以下之投稿。
  4. 中英文文稿均可。來稿請電郵至出版部(郵址:absjournal@abs.edu)。
  5. 一切寄來稿件,務請先複印備存。稿件收妥後,本刊將於六個月內以書函回覆核實。來稿刊載與否,本刊恕不退回。
  6. 格式方面:英文請依據Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th edition (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996) 或JBL(〈投稿者指引〉,《聖經文學學會會員使用手冊》,頁223~240)所訂之格式;中文可參宋楚瑜著:《如何寫學術論文》(台北:三民書局,1984)。
  7. 來稿必須未經發表,本刊不歡迎一稿兩投。本刊編輯委員會保留刊載權,亦有權對刊載文章加附注及回應。版權歸本刊所有。
  8. 作者自負文責,一切立論,不代表建道神學院及本刊立場。

Notes for Contributors

  1. Jian Dao is essentially a scholarly journal with an emphasis on biblical studies. The Journal also includes papers in theology, church history and culture etc.
  2. Jian Dao is targeted for biblical theologians, seminarians, pastors, and those who are interested in the field of biblical, theological and cultural studies.
  3. Articles should be original work and between 5,000 to 10,000 words including footnotes, must include an abstract or summary in not more than 250 words. Besides, we also accept articles around or under 2,000 words. Book reviews should not be more than 5,000 words.
  4. Articles should be sent to the publications department (E-mail: absjournal@abs.edu).
  5. Contributors should retain a copy of the manuscript. The author will be notified with a letter of acknowledgment within six months after received by the editors. Manuscripts will not be sent back whether the article is accepted or not.
  6. Submissions should follow the style of Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th edition (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996) and that of JBL ("Instructions for Contributors," AAR/SBL Membership Directory Handbook, 1994, 223-40).
  7. The editors reserve the right to publish or not, and to add editorial comments or footnotes. The Journal reserves the copyright. Articles submitted must not have been published previously. Simultaneous submission of identical work to other journals is not acceptable.
  8. The viewpoints expressed in the articles published in the Journal do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Jian Dao Journal, the editors, nor the Alliance Bible Seminary (Hong Kong).

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